October 11, 2007


The online bookstore, 博客來(http://www.books.com.tw), held the anniversary sales with many publishers since September. Therefore, it's the best time to get the books that I always want to have. I can't believe how many books I want to buy.

On 9/8, I bought 11 books and 1 DVD:
1. Die Leiden des jungen werthers(少年維特的煩惱)
2. Schools That Learn - a Fifth Discipline Fieldbook for Educators, Parents and Everyone Who Cares About Education
3. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows(British Edition)
4. TOEIC Official Test-Preparation Guide
6. A set of 5 stories on the Fifth Discipline
7. 3 TOIEC Vocabulary Books and 1 Authentic Test
8. DVD of the Eagle-Shooting Heros(射鵰英雄傳) 1994 casted by Athena Chu(朱茵)

The books cost me total 3949 and 1099 for DVD, which is the highest expense that I spend on books in one time.

Even though I already bought so many books, but I couldn't help buying more books, which were the classic recommended by 世珍學長 and I would buy eventually, even if I didn't buy at that moment. Therefore, I had better buy those on sales. Then 9/13, I spent another 960 dollars for 3 more books, which were Good to Great, Build to Last, and In Search of Excellence:Lessons from America’s Best-Run Companies.

10/05 After reading and watching the Eagle-Shooting Heros, I decided to get 射鵰英雄傳 and 神鵰俠侶(my favorite of 金庸) for the collection. Since those novels inspired my interest in Chinese cultures and literatures, besides 南懷瑾's 大學微言 was mentioned in the book of Presence, I bought his 大學微言 and 南懷瑾與彼得聖吉. I am going to spend 2019 dollars.

Not sure whether this bookmania ends or not, because I am thinking to buy an English同義字 dictionary. I remember there should be one kind of dictionaries that puts the words of the same meaning together to prevent some words appear too often in the article.

It's my style of consuming money. I don't have great need on foods, clothes, and many more; however, I like spending money on books, CDs, VCDs, DVDs, and things that can enjoy more than one time. Anyway, don't know how long it gonna take me to read all the books that I just buy. Got to work hard now, or it's a waste of money.