December 05, 2010


Went to see the movie "Juliets" this afternoon. I think the first two parts are more in female perspective. The female may feel connected and agree with the 2nd part -- Don't trust the men.

Personally I like the 3rd part the best, though sometimes I couldn't bear watching 康康 and 梁赫群 loving each other.

Anyway, it's an intersting movie, but there are so few people seeing this movie. I guess there might be only 40 or 50 persons and feel so empty in the theater.

October 19, 2010

一個像夏天 一個像秋天 by 范瑋琪

Suddenly this song comes to my mind. Part of this song can represent my words to my friends at this moment, though it's not because I am in love so that we can't meet very often. As you all know, I live in Kaohsiung, and most of you live in Taipei. We may meet a few hours, but it takes me longer for the transportatoin. Most importantly, I don't like the feeling to get back from Taipei alone!

Therefore, please forgive me for this. I am really looking forward to meeting everyone. That's all for now, and wish you all the very best. We will meet again somewhere sometime eventually. Before that, let us keep the passion and work hard for our goals of life. Take care.












就算我忙戀愛 把你冷凍結冰

你也不會恨我 只是罵我幾句



我的弦外之音 我的有口無心


September 22, 2010

One Step Forward

看來最近真得放太多假,星期一颱風假,星期三又中秋節,突然心血來潮、狠下心來整理超久沒整理的桌面。從早上十點多到下午四點多終於整理的差不多,終於再次看到我桌面下的照片,就像以前黃金傳說整理垃圾屋到最後看到地板的感覺,距離上次應該至少是我當兵前的事了吧,或許更久?:p 也把重要資料整理在一起,同時最近也停掉些不用的卡,剪掉卡片挺有快感的,希望這次桌面至少可以維持整潔半年 。


September 13, 2010

2010/09/11~12 泳渡日月潭



Thank you all for making this trip some wonderful, and hopefully we will meet somewhere sometime again.

August 15, 2010

緯來 - 我們結婚了


August 13, 2010

The Reason

The reason I don't want to watch most dramas again is because I don't want to experience the sad part one more time. I only want to watch the happy part. I want to see their smiles and to see them having the sweet time together. I am happy, as long as they are happy.

Why is there so many mean people? Why do they always believe some ridiculous things, instead of the people they love? Why do they always say something to hurt the other, though they love each other deep from their hearts?

Maybe it's the real life, and maybe it's the reason why I don't look like an adult, and more like a non grown-up child. Want to be cool to the relationship. We can stay together, if we love each other. Cool to say goodbye, and wish the best to each other, when we don't feel the same. That's my way of love, and philosophy of life.

P.S. I am watching 豪傑春香 again. I choose to take a break before watching the next episode, because I know in the next episode the main characters gonna experience some terrible thing that make them have to break up. I need some more strength before watching. It's a heart-breaking part. However, the more pain you feel, the more joy you get. Happier to see them to be together again. Anyway, change the mood by watching the Korean TV show.

August 10, 2010



August 09, 2010

100803 九尾狐特輯上 @ 強心臟



July 11, 2010

Thoughts of Today

The first time to visit in the intensive care unit. Auntie is much better today. She finally woke up and could talk a little bit. Also find out one more good reason for shaving bald. Your parents or friends will recognize you, when you shave bald for the surgery. I barely recognized my auntie at the first time. She really hurt very badly. Anyway, hopefully she would be getting better day by day, and enjoy her great post-career life with good health.

It's also the first time to drive at night, which is one step forward.

June 26, 2010

新世代MC - 金申英




翻譯:mblaq CN中文首站、BBCN WORKS

June 13, 2010

Good Bye - Yuri, Sunny, HyunA

Finally, Yuri, Sunny, and HyunA have to leave the program "Infinitely Youth," after bringing me the joy and happiness for 8 months. Wish them the best, and will keep supporting them.

June 06, 2010

New Hit Songs

f(x) - Nu ABO

Don't like this song much by the first time to hear. However, you would fall in love with it, if you keep listening to it. However, don't like the rapper much. I still think 2NE1 CL, and BEG Miryo are the best female rappers. Anyway, it's still a cool song.

Lee Hyori - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

It's Lee Hyori's new song. Also don't like it at first. However, the more you listen to it, the better you like it. Also find out it's pretty much Hyori's style, like her old song "U-GO-GIRL."

Rain - Love Song

I never like Rain much, though he has became a world star now. Anyway, the dance is pretty sexy.

2PM - Without You

The image of 2PM is changing, not as strong as before. I don't think the dance is suitable for 2PM. However, it looks better when they perform individually in the TV show. Don't know why.

May 26, 2010

Big Bang - 一天一天

週末因為看無限挑戰You&Me Concert的關係,早上找了Big Bang一天一天的MV來看,不知道是不是昨天睡太飽,看這個MV覺得很感動,因為這MV大概就是男主角突然發現自己的女朋友跟自己的好朋友在一起,過程中男主角很痛苦,後來決定說服自己忘記那個女生,結果原來那女生得了絕症,才演這場戲希望男主角可以忘記他,男主角的朋友最後決定告訴他這個事實,不過已經太遲了,那個女生已經死了。So Sad! XD



May 22, 2010

Baek Ji Young - My Ear's Candy

It's one of the hottest songs in Korea since August, 2009.

It's the original version. (Baek Ji Young, ft. 2PM TaekYeon)
Baek Ji Young's Comeback Stage

My Favorite

The following are imitating at the programs by SBS, MBC, and KBS.
My Ear's Pig by 姜虎東 and 白智英 is the funniest one. I can't believe someone can dance so sexy at 姜虎東 without laughing. No wonder she is the best.

SBS 家族誕生(UIE with 劉在石)

MBC 無限挑戰(劉在石 with 朴明秀)

KBS 兩天一夜(白智英 with 姜虎東)My Ear's Pig



至親筆記 - 東風(星期五晚上十一點首撥)
人氣歌謠 - Channel V(星期六晚上八點首撥,不過都看衛視中文台九點,因為比較清楚)
我們結婚了 - 緯來戲劇台(星期日晚上九點首撥)

一開始很期待至親筆記,因為在PPS看過少女時代和SS501 with Kara,不過,第一季的真得沒那麼好笑,也不知道至親之家的用意,之後主要會追有興趣的。

人氣歌謠在Channel V撥畫面太差,只能在衛視中文台看,一週只有一次的機會,不過說實在的,不喜歡的出現時,也不會特別想看。


最後,好像跟同年齡的人比起來,看太多電視了。 Need to grow up! XD

May 04, 2010

First Time to Drive on the Highway

It's a very memorable day - first time I drove the car on the Highway to 永康 and back. Most importantly, the car, the passengers, and I are safe!!!

Actually, I don't even drive more than 10 times on the road yet, which I believe those passengers should be more worried, if they know this. :p It's Toyota Camry 2.0G, which is the biggest and newest car I ever drive. Moreover, it's foot brake, instead of the traditional hand brake. I drove more than 10 kms, before unlocking the foot brake, and it's good the brake is still working. Also, first time to pay the toll, and much more...

By the way, I hope I wouldn't get a ticket for overspeeding in the future. It's hard enough to drive safe, and how can I keep an eye on the signs at the same time! XD In the end, it's pretty tough to drive down to the basement, which is very steep and small for a big car.

Anyway, safety is the most important! Hopefuly I would do better next time, of course after more practices and getting more confident! ^^

April 25, 2010

原來是美男啊 - A. N. JELL

Watch all the episodes of 「原來是美男啊」(A.N.JELL). It's one of the most popular Korean dramas at the end of 2009. You can see the actors of that drama everywhere in the shows and award ceremonies.

At first, what I like about this movie is the songs they sing, though they appear much less than I expect. Moreover, the characters are cute and cool. I like 朴信惠、鄭榮和 and 李弘基 the most. Also, I think this drama is pretty like 燦爛的遺產, which is one of my favorites. The leading actors both have an unhappy childhood, though others assume they are happy and lucky. Still, they are mean, and only care about themselves. The supporting actors are more thoughtful and have a good personality. They do their best to love the leading actresses. However, the leading actresses only feel them like the older brothers, and fall in love with the leading actors in the end. I don't know why most dramas are all like that, "the girls always like the bad guys." Maybe it's the same in the real world.

Anyway, I bet I would keep enjoying the OST of A.N.JELL lately.

April 17, 2010

BBC Learning English site - Pronunciaton Tips

I listen to BBC news through Windows Media Player lately. This is an interesting and useful website that I find in BBC related websites. It's BBC Learning English site. There are many useful resources for learning English, such as vocabulary, grammar, and much more.

This is one that I have tried and found very useful and easy-learning part - Pronunciation tips. It teaches you from the vowels, and consonants, to the differences of the similar sounds. I have fun here and hopefully you will enjoy it as well.

April 10, 2010

膝蓋道士 - Wonder Girls

It's one interview of Wonder Girls on Korean TV show, after they make it to the Top100 of Billboard. All I can say is it's not an easy thing. They suffer and sacrifice a lot. Fighting, WG!

091104 MBC 膝盖道士 Wonder Girls,JYP Part.1

091111 MBC 膝盖道士 Wonder Girls,JYP Part.2

April 03, 2010

The Bucket List

Watch "The Bucket List"(一路玩到掛) on PPS. It's pretty interesting. The main characters list what they want to do in their last few months, including skydiving, kissing the most beautiful girl in the world, and so on.

However, what is my bucket list? Should think about, before it's too late.

April 01, 2010

8Eight - 沒有心臟

It's a song that I heard in the Korea TV program few months ago and liked it pretty much. However, I don't pay much attention to it until recently heard it again in "Iris," a Korean drama, and saw the lyrics.

It's the part that is sung in Iris. (Episode 9 at 24 min)

"說是心痛 好像真的會心痛
說是悲傷 好像就會流淚
就笑著 就笑著 就笑著
但大家都問我 為什麼會笑

我沒有心臟 我沒有心臟
每天說謊話 是對自己的咒語
即使這樣 可是還是常常會落淚

說是心痛 好像真的會心痛
說是悲傷 好像就會流淚
就笑著 就笑著 就笑著
但大家都問我 為什麼會笑

What a sad song! It really describes the feelings that you do love someone very much, but you can't be together again. Can't think of a better song for break-up.

The whole lyrics cited from

沒有心臟심장이 없어 - 8eight

아프다고 말하면
a peu da go mal ra myeon
정말 아플 것 같아서
jeo mal a peul geob ga da seo
슬프다고 말하면
seol peu da go mal ra myeon
눈물이 날 것 같아서
nun mu ri nal geob ga da seo
好 像就會流淚
그냥 웃지 그냥 웃지 그냥 웃지
geu nya eub ji geo nya eub ji geu nya eub ji
就笑著 就笑著 就笑著
그런데 사람들이 왜 우냐고 물어
geu reon de sa ram deu ri wae u nya go mu reo
但大家都問我 為什麼會笑

매일을 울다가 웃다가 울다가 웃는걸 반복해
mae il reul ul da ga eub dag a ul dag a eub neun geol ban bu gae
每天就哭哭笑笑 哭哭笑笑 反覆這樣
나 왜 이러는데
na wae I reo neun de
술이 술인지 밥인지도 모르는 채
su ri sul rin ji bab bin ji do mo reu neun chae
살아 이 정도 아픔은 통과 의례인 듯 해
sa ra I jeo do a peum eun du gwa ui rae in deub sae
活著 這種痛苦就好像是一種必經儀式
멍하니 종이에 나도 몰래
meo ha ni ju I e na do mul rae
在 迷茫中 不知不覺
니 이름만 적어 하루 왼 종일
ni I reum man jeo geo ha ru uin jo il
整天在紙上 寫下你的名字
종이가 시커매지고서야 펜을 놔
jo I ga si geo mae ji go seo ya pen neul nwa
白紙被塗滿 才放手
너 그리워 또 핸드폰을 들었다 놔
neo geu ri ui ddo haen deu peun neul deul eob da bwa
想起你時 拿起電話 又再次放下
눈물이 또 찾아와
nun mul ri ddo cha ba wa
너와의 이별이란
neo wa ui I byeol ri ran

나는 심장이 없어 나는 심장이 없어
na neun sim ja I eob seo na neun sim ja I eob seo
我沒有心臟 我沒有心臟
그래서 아픈 걸 느낄리 없어
geu rae seo a peun geol neu ggil ri ab seo
매일 혼잣말을 해
ma il hon jab mal eul hae
내게 주문을 걸어
nae ge ju mun eul geol reo
是 對自己的咒語
그래도 자꾸 눈물이 나는 걸
geu rae do ja ggu nun mul ri na neun geol
即使這樣 可是還是常常會落淚

아프다고 말하면
a peu da go mal ra myeon
정말 아플 것 같아서
jeo mal a peul geob ga da seo
슬프다고 말하면
seol peu da go mal ra myeon
눈물이 날 것 같아서
nun mu ri nal geob ga da seo
好 像就會流淚
그냥 웃지 그냥 웃지 그냥 웃지
geu nya eub ji geo nya eub ji geu nya eub ji
就笑著 就笑著 就笑著
그런데 사람들이 왜 우냐고 물어
geu reon de sa ram deu ri wae u nya go mu reo
但大家都問我 為什麼會笑
이렇게 웃는데
I ryeo ge eub neun de

니가 떠나고부터 난 바보가 된 것 같어
ni ga ddeo na go bu deo nan ba bog a dwin jeob ga deo
你離開那天起 我就像傻瓜一樣
i can't do 아무것도 죽어라 방구석에 박혀 살어
i can't do a mu geob do ju geo ra bag u seo ge ba gyeo sal reo
i can't do 什麼都不管 躲在牆角生存
너 없인 할 일도 없는데
neo eob sin hal il do eob neun de
沒有你的日子 不想做任何事
하룬 길어 너무 길어
ha run gi reo neo mu gil reo
每天都好長 好長
근데 뭐 그리 바뻐
geun de mui geu ri ba beo
可 是為何當時會這樣忙碌
널 외롭게 했어
neol ui reub ge haeb seo
니가 쇼핑 가자 그럴 때
ni ga syo pi ga ja geu reol me
친구와 술 한잔 마시는 건 그렇게
chin gu wa sul han jan ma si neun geon geu reo ge
卻 和朋友一起去喝酒
쉬운데 왜 너한테 못했을까
sui un de wae neo han de meub hae seul gga
언제나 제일 느린 게 후회랬는데
an je na je il neu rin ge hu hui raeb neun de
無論何時 總是最後才發現自己後悔了
정말 바본지 끝까지 너와의 끈을 놓지 못해
geo mal ba beun ji ggeu gga ji neo wa ui ggeun eunl noh ji mub hae
真 的像個傻子 一直不能放棄和你之間的牽絆

아프다고 말하면
a peu da go mal ra myeon
정말 아플 것 같아서
jeo mal a peul geob ga da seo
슬프다고 말하면
seol peu da go mal ra myeon
눈물이 날 것 같아서
nun mu ri nal geob ga da seo
好 像就會流淚
그냥 웃지 그냥 웃지 그냥 웃지
geu nya eub ji geo nya eub ji geu nya eub ji
就笑著 就笑著 就笑著
그런데 사람들이 왜 우냐고 물어
geu reon de sa ram deu ri wae u nya go mu reo
但大家都問我 為什麼會笑
이렇게 웃는데
I ryeo ge eub neun de

(웃자) tv속 연예인들 처럼
(eub ja)tv sug yeon e in deul cheo reom
(笑 吧)像電視中的藝人們一樣
(웃자) 너의 미니홈피 제목처럼
(eub ja) neo ui mi ni heum pi je mok cheo reom
(웃자) 행복했던 내 어제처럼
(eub ja) hae bok haeb deon nae eo je cheo reom

나는 심장이 없어 아플수가 난 없어
na neun sim ja I eob seo a peul su ga nan eob seo
我沒有心臟 所以不會痛
나는 심장이 없어 아플수가 난 없어
neo neun sim ja I eob seo a peul su ga nan eob seo
我沒有心臟 所以不會痛
그냥 웃자 그냥 웃자 그냥 웃자
geu nya eub ji geo nya eub jji geu nya eub ji
就笑著 就笑著 就笑著
제 발 좀 눈물아 이제는 멈춰줘
Ge bal jom mun mul ra I je neun meom chwon jwon
拜 託 這眼淚現在停止吧






看完後,至少就目前來看,似乎還是沒有這個勇氣傻傻地做一件事,如此地不求回報。Anyway, 每個人有不同的生命目標,這一生也有不同目的,Just be yourself.

March 21, 2010

2010 APXLDS in Kaohsiung

繼2004年APLDS in Taiwan後,終於AP又再次在台灣舉辦,而且這次是辦在高雄。今天特地去參加GV,也和許多Alumni和Members碰面,包括張嘉芬(可能有5年沒見了吧),另外也突然遇到乃豪,原來兩星期前他剛到ASUS,昨晚很臨時被通知來高雄支援。

很特別的是這次AP開始前兩天,有個給高中生參加的兩天一夜的活動,所以這次GV很多人,而且他們也很踴躍參與GV,為了闖關集點,某個程度真得比我們投入。另外也教他們很多AIESEC culture,像是"Hey AIESEC, What's up"、"How do you feel? Excellent"等,真得很特別。

P.S. 今天有件事真得很無言,中山分會LCPe學妹看著我說:「學長,我知道你,你是~~汴杭!」

最後附上當時AP in Korea Taiwan delegation要回台灣時和幾位AP delegates合照,AP rocks~~~!

AIESEC Dance - Don't Stop Me Now

2004 Euro Expro in Germany. Got the video from Jack Wang. It's a perfect closing dance, because people can get around in the end.

AIESEC Dance - Let's Get It Started

It's 2005 AI dance, which is also one of my favorites. Hopefully next time I would be able to dance it somewhere.

March 20, 2010




剛收到,這是在墾丁悠活拍的照片。Look nice!

By the way, 表姊、表妹果然專業,看起來很上鏡。

March 15, 2010



一開始原本要帶他們去吃「海青王家燒餅店」,在海青工商附近眷村一直繞來繞去,後來終於找到,結果沒開。XD 不過,下次有機會去再去吃看看,下次就知道在哪了,在海青工商門口對面的巷子內。


*舊城傳統美食 -
*左營楊桃湯V.S50年陳年老店-龔家楊桃湯 -!AfS4sFefHxoDAkMD1w6B4U6q/article?mid=2491


因為吃完已經下午2點了,慢慢開到墾丁悠活已經5點了,因為他們從新竹開車下來,所以有點累,就在飯店看夕陽,個人蠻喜歡裡面的感覺,有游泳池、划水道、Spa、溫泉(應該是熱水)、沙灘排球足球場等,蠻適合年輕人的,當大家想要玩樂時,不用再自己做個排球網。By the way, 因為他裡面很多設施是給小朋友的,所以裡面有很多的小朋友,而且不知為什麼,覺得裡面的小朋友看起都很幸福,臉上看起來閃耀著光芒,也很多看起來很早熟的孩子,還會自己點餐,以後有小孩,住這應該蠻棒的,雖然應該是很久以後的事。By the way, 晚餐的Buffet貴,可是卻沒太多選擇,口味也還好,不知是人太多還是本來如此,和之前在福華比,在福華的Buffet真是太幸福了!不過早餐還不錯,但是如果給我選,還是到外面吃比較便宜划算,不過既然是附贈的,就不吃白不吃。最後補充,飯店裡面有很多很好玩有意義的活動,像是Yoga、Dancing Party和潮間帶導覽,後者有機會摸海參和找星砂,這是之前住飯店比較少會做的事。




晚上姑姑換到墾丁凱撒,看房型應該屬於景觀客房,最特別的是浴室是用活動隔板,也就是說你想要邊看電視邊泡浴缸也ok,超適合彼此間沒有任何秘密和隱私的人們,個人覺得有點害羞。>///< 不過風景、設備、空間真得不錯。後來發覺墾丁住飯店也不錯,因為裡面很多活動和設施,認真玩的話,一整天也不會無聊。


1. 小關山鹹粿 - 去年開工曾和同事來,沒想到似乎蠻有名的,不過我不知道怎麼走,下次問清楚再來。

2. 恆春 夥計鴨肉冬粉 - 去年底策劃會報結束後,和同事一起來吃過,外帶鴨翅的超多的,上次吃飯期間,老闆似乎沒停過。目前鴨翅一支20元,之前10元,上次同事們差點為此吵架。

3. 貞好冬粉鴨 - 上次策劃會報在墾丁,行前幫忙吃一次鴨肉冬粉,離開前又吃一次,不過恆春似乎不只一家不錯。

4. 小杜包子 - 很有名,不過從沒吃過。

And more to be found.

March 07, 2010



今晚的重頭焦點是五月天,另外還有宇宙人、旺福、Magic Power和丁噹,今天人真得超多,五月天人氣果然很旺,不過,比起來,好像還是之前在泰國Star Dice Pub比較high,大概是歌曲比較是我的類型,有Big Bang的「謊言」、Wonder Girls的「Nobody」和范逸臣的「無樂不做」等。

P.S. 今晚宇宙人講的三個冷笑話個人覺得真得很冷,不過效果真得不錯,跟大家分享。

1. 為什麼小狗越來越小? ^^a...

2. 為什麼小狗越來越大? f^^
因為它長大了! ^^y

3. 胖子從101掉下來變成什麼?


March 02, 2010

雞脖子 or 口紅 ?





By the way, 打完後,感覺還是有畫面比較好笑!:p Anyway, just think there might be someone who has the similar experience. I believe there must be someone. 為了在另一個人面前保持好形象。

March 01, 2010


This is one funny quiz heard from my colleague.


f^^ Argentina? Brazil?

No, the answer is "Korea."(南韓)

It took me a while, before I realized the meaning.

Anyway, just funny and I can't help sharing with others.

February 19, 2010





P.S. 放上幾張原本想要投稿的遺珠。

第一次參加NCF in 元智,大家一起跳AIESEC Dance。

就業博覽會 in 中山,學姐和我們一起模仿AIESEC logo 7小人。

第一次國際活動APLDS in Korea,來自各國的Miss。

AP in Korea Taiwan delegation GV照。

AP in Korea Post Tour with Korea delegates

January 03, 2010

My Song List for now

Those are the songs that I listen to for now.

少女時代: Gee, Tell me your wish, Etude.
Jessica: 冷面
泰妍: 如果
2NE1: Fire, I don't care, Let's go party.
Kara: Wanna, Mr.
4 minute: Hot Issue, Muzik.
Wonder Girls: Nobody
Brown-Eyed Girls: Abracadabra.
