June 21, 2006

Finally Write My Blog Again

Don't write over here for a pretty long time, because don't feel like writing after my longest post. However, I have some new thoughts in mind to share since May. It is the first time ever that I join class activities so long and frequently. Spoke out the top three girls in the class that I want to date with. Get to know the classmates much better and want to catch up with them as much as I can in the last two months. Look forward to every chances to meet everyone. And much more than the above.

I spend pretty little time with them because always put AIESEC and the study at first, in addition to other personal excuses. Still, thank to you or I wouldn't have such a wonderful university life. I would treasure all the memory and expect for the future gathering. I believe you would all do great. I would work hard as well.

Lastly, goodbye my classmates. I would see you again, though I don't know when.(copy from the song "Goodbye Jimmy Goodbye)

See ya and take care.


Anonymous said...

well, there is nothing impossible
I believe that we all will have chance to meet again someday in the future, since we are pe95
we are one of the greatest and closest classes in NSYSU, aren't we?
take good care of yourselves
I know you do can learn something through the process of joinging the military service
It's time to be a 'MAN'

Anonymous said...

hey po~~
how's everything?
what's up with you lately?
I'm in taipei studying for GMAT everyday, trying to live a new life myself.
wish you hapy everyday!

Pohan Lin said...

Hello! Good to see your messages.
I am doing ok at home in Kaohsiung.

Still wait for getting into the military.
Really wish it can happen asap.
Please wish I can get in on 8/23.
Don't want to wait forever!!!!XD

Wish you can come back another time and I would also check on both your blogs.

Take care! ^^