June 20, 2006

More Than One Year!!!

It's more than one year till today that I call my host family once again.
By the time I called, I felt pretty nervous, though I already called back a few times.
This time I was calling through skypeout. It is pretty clear and I am satisfied with that.

Lots of things to catch up between us. My sis, Stella, graduates last December and work in Phoenix.
My bro, Jerimmy, graduate from colleage and get married with one kid.
Little sister, Marrisa, is 11 grade. The first time gets to talk to her on phone, but really can't tell her voices.
Feel different from the way she talk in my memory and sound pretty like Ely for me.
Little brother, Ely, was riding bike somewhere at night. Wish he would get home safe.
My mom is working in Pinetop. The rest of the family are doing great. Good to hear that.

That was 4 years ago that I came back from United States. Know pretty many friends and people in the reservation.
Right now only stay in touch with only two of them. Wish they are also doing great.

Not sure when I would go back to visit them. Anyway, I would do the best to make enough money and find some time to achieve this dream asap.
Lastly, wish them for the best and I really love them.

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