July 12, 2006


軟腳古、軟腳古、軟腳古 你卡股剛舞價軟Q

應該只有Michael Jordan可以跟我批敵。

haha, 剛才再搞笑,這次來真的,(踢,滑倒)

Those are the words that I was planning to say in the acting of siumulation introduction. It's the first time to act in front so many people. Besides, don't have much time to prepare what I should say and what I should do. So quite nervous. However, it's good to come up something before the last minute. Moreover, it's funny that we use the part of imitating 吳英明老師 and Carla would also do together. That's populous during NCF time among MC. But guess most delegates don't know what's going on and what's funny of it. Anyway, as long as we have fun.

Last, it seems pretty good for the result, even though not much preparation. It is one little special memory in my AIESEC career.

The picture was taken when we were trying to come up with our words. When I first saw this picture, I had no idea where it was taken and why I did this pose in front of Carla. Through the help of other pictures, I finally realized what's all about. By the way, during the whole process, Carla seemed the same and you didn't feel any difference of her. Guess that's so called the Master of Acting! I would end this article here. Stop talking more meaningless things. XD

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