July 11, 2007

What I Can Do Better


1. After the official dinner, she realized that those people who she really loved was going to leave, such as 小捲(Amber), 政治, and many 0607 Staff. However, she loved them so much and don't want them to leave. At Day 3 night, when I was in the room where SYLC stayed, 小玉 suddenly started weeping and asking me for advice.

In fact, I really didn't know what to do. In the past, even when Vickey is struggling at the beginning of MC term, I didn't know what I should do, either. We were teammates in SYLC for 3 years, and went through many things together. However, even so, I chose not to act actively. I thought she must have many things to consider. One year is a long time and it won't be an easy year. I would prefer she can make the decision on her own, even though when she asked my opinion, I would love to share with her. After all, we have to consciously make the choice. Time is so precious that we should do things that we love and commit to. Staying for friendship, people, or because you are so used to this place and you just don't want to leave is a reason to stay, but it's not the best choice in my opinion. We all have many things to do in different stages of life. As the story suggests, we should fill up the battle with rocks first, then sands, and water last. If we fill it with sands or water first, there is no room for rocks, which stands for the most important things.

Besides my personal story above, I heard one similar story from Angela, 0304 SYLC LCP, in the class this semester. After she got elected as the LCP, but one, who was her very good friend and also a very skillful and qualified VP candidate, decided to leave AIESEC, because his father was sick and he wanted to spend more time with the family. She was struggling. She was afraid of losing him, because it was hard to find another candidate as competitive as him. He did leave at the end. I have no comment for this story, but it does show us we are not the only person who was bothered by this problem, and we would face it many times in the life, like graduations, work, couples, families, and so on.

One last thing is if I really love that person, I should think what is the best for him, instead of forcing him/her to stay. Maybe we all know the logic or reasoning, but the love or emotion is stronger. I may need to learn how to be more compassionate.

2. At the end of the closing, I said to 小朱 and 婉萱, "The last NCF how excited and energetic OCs were, comparing with them." I compared many things with the last NCF throughout the conference, when I reflected at this moment. I didn't give them any praise for what they do and just speak my own stereotype. I should learn how to speak impeccable praises, which are direct, specific, and respectful.

To 小朱:「最後一天,看到你很沒精神,看來一定睡很少,這幾天這麼辛苦,只看到你總是認真地在跑來跑去,處理器材和場控,真得很感謝你,如果不是你,這幾天活動很難順利進行。」

To 小包:「後來才知道你最後一天突然哭是因為大家都不練OC dances喔,那我也應該要哭一下,大家都不練roll call,害我起一大早來,更應該哭一下,Anyway, OC dances挺有趣的,大家跳得也很好,整齊一致,有精神,只不過有點難的,看來大家蠻有舞蹈天分的。」

To 小捲:「終於辦完NCF,你應該也鬆了一口氣吧,期間遇到很多狀況,像是Day 1場地問題,晚餐問題等,但你總能立即趕緊解決,天天都要殺推和檢討會應該睡得超少吧,會期間還要控制全場狀況,確保一切順利,這是個很艱難的任務,但從delegate的表情和他們給OC的評語看得出來,他們都很喜歡這次的NCF,之前曾當過NCF行銷組員,壓力真得很大,這次你願意接OCP真得需要很大的勇氣,希望你玩得開心,從中有所學習,並有美好的回憶,祝你之後一切順利。」

To 小玉:「這一年,回來參加AIESEC時,經常看到你出席許多活動,像是reception team和trainee聚會,對你認真付出參與留下很深刻印象,NCF又同時身兼OC和delegate,應該很累,但卻總是看到你保有快樂的笑容,晚上sharing時也可以獨當一面了,未來這一年可能會遇到很多困難或艱辛,但送你之前學長姐常說得一句話『莫忘初衷』。」

To Jimmy:「NCF辛苦了,連MC Transition都能睡那麼熟,想必真的是很累吧,雖然會期間只有兩三次看到你和分會講話的情況,但每次看到你認真跟member分享或傳達事情時,蠻感動的,遇到member跟你說什麼事情時,你也總是認真傾聽,分會沒人時,也會第一個挺身而出,中山分會就靠你了。」


viC in said...


Pohan Lin said...

這次NCF後就要引退了,之後偶爾客串dances or roll call,不會再花時間複習了,是時候放手。之後要練功的話,許多不適合的行為也不會做了,這樣會太可惜嗎?


Unknown said...

學到很多的團隊經驗,很感謝你一直來看我們,也願意教我們!最後有專人指導的'架'真的是不一樣!很有SYU的FU!!!一整個就是很有面子啦! 對我來說 什麼都是分離的SNCF 一結束 我的大學生活 SYLC的生活 似乎一下子都分離了! 畢業情節今天濃濃的跑出來了...思緒正在整理中...希望不完美的一切 對來參加的人 都還是留下開心精彩的回憶(捲)