December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

To all my friends and families,

Send you my best wish at this special day. I would like to share

a photo I really like. Want to let you know you would be

in my heart wherever you are, thought we can’t gather

at Christmas. Wish you the best and Merry Christmas! ^^

December 17, 2006






下禮拜五(10/22)技校結訓後,就會到「直屬隊」等待分到的單位來接你,在那之後,基本上當兵都會在那個地方,工作內容、生活起居、休假等到那時候才會知道,anyway, I will be good. 之後有機會再update之後的事吧。

Talk to The Old Friends

Guess it's since last week when I had 5 days off after 42-day military training that I started talking with some friends in US. Mostly talked to my host sister. I started looking for the photos and uploading to the on-line album so that my host family might be able to see how I was doing for the past 4 years. Spent most of the time uploading the photo albums and blogs and waiting for the responses.

Pretty much the same this weekend. First, checked on the MySpace, blogs, and emails to see whether any messages were from the old friends. Moreover, spent much time sorting my photos so that I could find them whenever I need them. While I was sorting the photos, Amber Lin, one old friend, sent me msn message. Very surprised and happy to talk with her on MSN, because it's been a long time since the last time we talk.

I feel that there are many people joining part of my life, when I am looking through the photos. Pretty miss them and the time we spend together, though I don't contact them for a while. Anyway, I hope they are all safe and doing well wherever they are and whatever they are doing. Time to move on and do what I should do. Wish to hear from you and see you again, my friends. Take care!

December 09, 2006

Cool Slideshow

I make this at MySpace. It looks great so post here to share with friends. I upload these photos so my friends or family in US may take a look to know how I am doing. Anyway, enjoy!

December 08, 2006

My Host Family

I copy this slideshow from the MySpace of my host sister, Stella. There are some family members and some I've never met before. Anyway, still enjoy seeing them again. After all, I don't see them for 4 years. Surprising to re-connect with them few days ago at MySpace, I upload more photos and write more about myself. Really miss them and would like to introduce to the friends in Taiwan. They are my family! ^^y

Create Your Own

December 07, 2006

45 Days(10/22~12/07)

Just cut my hair again at home. It's 45 days before I cut my hair again. During the 6-week training, we only shaved the hairline. Therefore, it's pretty long for me, so decide to cut it.

However, still one lady asked me whether I was a soldier, because she thought my hair was very short. Anyway, we just have different standars on "long and short". Still like to keep my hair short! ^^

December 06, 2006



1. 海軍軍歌
2. 同袍情
3. 軍紀歌
4. 浩氣
5. 海上進行曲
6. 起錨歌
7. 無敵戰艦
8. 忠義之歌
9. 豪情
10. 藍色海洋
11. 我們屹立在太平洋上
12. 亮島之歌
13. 海上長城
14. 英雄好漢
15. 邁向成功
16. 我們是一群弟兄
17. 夜襲
18. 伙伴
19. 鐵一般的部隊





展開勇猛的翅膀 奔像神聖的地方
在此建立多年的夢想 榮譽就在胸膛
縱然汗水和淚在臉龐 經過失敗後絕不憂傷
看我們七中隊勇猛戰技強 迎向勝利的第一戰


Anyway, 總結新訓的生活,從一開始不會對腳步、答數、唱軍歌、基本


By the way, 我抽到的單位是左支部汽車隊,兵科是補給士,根據大隊

P.S. 雖然我新訓的隊伍號稱「魔鬼七中隊」,但感覺沒有班長敘述地

October 23, 2006

Video for My Dearest Host Family in US ^^

I was sending this video to Jerimmy on 7/17, but no sure whether he got this or not, because it's 8 MBs. So upload to YouTube, though it's not that good quality, but if you need the original video, write me.

It takes many times to finally get this done. Kind of shy to speak in front of the webcam. However, it may be the only way that you guys can see me. Really miss you and take care.

Joining the Military

Gonna join the military on 10/25, 4 months after the graduation from the university. So far I feel ok, and don't worry much. It's probably becasue Sherlock, one of my friends who was also a Navy, told me pretty much about the life in the training center and what I needed to bring.

Besides, I have many American friends who join the military. For example, Anthonie Hoffman, going to Naval Academy, is now in the Marine Corp. Lydia Amarok, Li-Li, is having two-week training in Kuwait before foward operation base. Mr. Moore, my history teacher, was a soldier in Iraq. And there are more. I believe if they can make it, I would be surely fine with it, and no need mention that my grandfather was a veteran. I would be in the military for 1 year and 4 months for the longest, and maybe shorter, not sure yet.

Lastly, wish good luck to all my friends and myself as well. Take care!

Pohan or Bald Head ?!

Just shaved all my hair off yesterday, which should be the shortest hair that I ever had. It looks ok, but look better without glasses, or would look more dumb!

Haha, anyway, just shave it and get ready to join the navy on 11/25. Therefore, I won't update my blog and reply my emails often, but I would replay as soon as I can. Goodbye my friends! Take care.

October 18, 2006




October 13, 2006


昨天晚上失眠,直到兩點多才好不容易睡著, 今天一早中鋼的課又是八點半就開始,所以七點半強迫自己起床,整理一下,很快就去學校,很趕得買了米漿當早餐,中午剛好有免費便當,三點半上完課,和學長再聊一下,四點離開教室。

原本預計在認真一天後,到操場去跑跑步再回家,沒想到剛經過海水浴場門口,往操場的路上,剛好有個學妹騎車跌倒了,我不確定她是怎樣跌倒的,Anyway, 沒想到她竟然倒地不起,猶豫一下,還是趕緊去看看她有沒有怎樣,剛好遇到小橘,後面有幾個男生騎來似乎是她的同學,挺奇妙的是怎麼大家都問有沒有教官的電話,總感覺最重要的是叫救護車吧,所以我打電話給119,叫救護車,小橘試著找教官,至於學妹,頭還戴著安全帽,臉流血,手腳有擦傷,但不敢動她,因為不清楚是否有任何內傷。直到教官來,一直叫她,希望她能醒來,沒想到看著學妹臉上流血,看著看著突然覺得噁心,開始想吐,視線開始模糊,覺得要暈倒了,好險到旁邊坐著一下,稍微好一點,要不然教官應該傻眼,沒想到又突然有一個人倒下,這是繼我幾年前有一次生病,甚至一站起來就頭暈的情形是一樣的,嚇死我了。




October 05, 2006




10/4 收到兵單了


October 04, 2006

2nd Day Back to School!

It's the 2nd day back to school. The first day was pretty busy. I waked up around 7am to read the books and rushed to do the practices last week, because those would be discussed in the class. Surprised to see the classroom already full of people, and the TA, who I knew, quickly assigned me to one group. I didn't eat my breakfast until lunch time, because there's no break time. Invited by Angela, I attended the STOLL meeting. Then continued to attend another class in the afternoon. Later on, join the soccer practice once again from 6:30~9:30.

Waked up again at 7am on the 2nd day, to do the practices again. Also two 3-hour classes, too.

I decide to use the time before the military service to attend the classes of STOLL to learn some more on Organizational Learning and Systems Thinking. It's also fun to meet some old friends, like Vickey and Doris, Coach, and soccer teammates, especially Sup and Raul. It should be better next week, since I have more time to do the practices. By the way, I feel pretty different back to school again, though I am not sure how to describe the feeling. However, I am sure I like to be back! ^^

What Happens to the Bamboo?

Guess some people might be interested in what happens to the bamboo in the end? So I post the pictures to solve your questions. It's actually not as much as what it looks like. My mom cooked some by 醃. The 2nd picture is the rest of the bamboo.

By the way, my mom's friend also went to 甲先, and bought 3 bamboos with $100. So one for $80 is not cheap in fact. Anyway, the price is not the reason we buy it.

October 01, 2006

Today Is Not My Day! XD

Had a trip to 荖濃 with alumni and teammates of 0506 on 9/30 and 10/1. Once again had got to hear the "bien's"(鱉) jokes and games 3 months after leaving AIESEC. Maybe I should stay away from AIESEC for a longer time. Anyway, I do have a good time during these two days.

I lost two times straight among 14 people, by playing Scissors, Rock, Cloth. Can't believe, because I used to win for the most cases. So I have to bring home a very big bamboo, which is probably more than 150 cm, and drinking "阿華田, 蘿蔔汁, and 多多," which is ok for me because I only drink little, but the taste is very complicated. What can I say after these! Guess just today is not my day.

I just said it's 學長 who bought the bamboo, after my mom saw that. Then she was laughing and saying your 學長 is very funny. Moreover, she kept asking about the price, and whether 學長 bought the bamboo was for fun. After that, my mom asked my dad to cut the bamboo. That's the end of the story. Don't know what would happen if it happens to the other families, but I've got to win next time.

September 23, 2006

The 5th Week

It's the 5th week of the sales life. I am more used to the working life, though still have a lot to learn, and seek for my first case. Haha, that's right. I am still looking for the first case. Anyway, I would still do my best.

I went to visit some towns around Kaohsiung city, because I already visited the most potential furniture stores in the city. Those are 鳳山、鳥松、仁武、大寮 and even 屏東, where I have been to this week. I have been to more new places, though some places are pretty far. Anyway, it's good to visit the new places, and see how it is where some of my high school classmates live at. Now I have a better understanding of the places where they grow up.

Next week I would start visiting another business. Three more weeks to go in my schedule. No regret and live everyday well.

By the way, I don't get sunburned easily lately. I am not sure it's because my skins start being used to the sun or just because of the cloudy weather these days. I am darker than before. The picture below was taken in the 3rd week, the first week I started riding the scooter to look for potential clients in the streets. As you may see my hand and forearm get dark, while there is a white spot, because of the coverage of the watch. Anyway, just take it as a pre-training of the military life.

September 14, 2006

Pink's Blog


Nothing big, but just want to use the limited time to share what I do.

You may find her blog at

August 19, 2006

Part-Time Sales in One Advertisement Company

After the short interview last Monday, I became a part time sales in the advertisement company. It's a tough week. Don't have much training and time to catch up all the information. Start doing marketing call since Wednesday. All things happen so suddenly. Kind of struggling, but would try my best to achive the goals I set up. I went to the company every afternoon and prepare myself in the morning to review the learning of yesterday and see how I can do better.

I am still not sure how long I could hold and how far I would go. Anyway, just do it and see what would happen. Go for it!!!

Update my life later when I am more certain about my life.

August 04, 2006


I am in a fever of 「黑澀會美眉」 lately.
At least 2 hours a day to watch their shows:
1 hr for the new one and 1 hr for the old.
The reason I watch that, I suppose, it should be becaue it's fun!
Just the same reason why I used to like Morning Musume(早安少女組).
They both bring me pleasure and happiness.

It seems 黑澀會美眉 is pretty hot recently on TV and in the news.
That's cool! Guess I would keep watching that until getting into the military.

You may check up their website. It's pretty colorful!

July 13, 2006


Those are created by a software called Picasa2.

It can create some interesting effects of your pictures, as you can see.

Look fun! Maybe create more in the future.

P.S. The pictures with 50嵐 were taken when I was trying to clean up the office, and finally decided to throw away those drinks which stayed there for long and lots of unknown insects were all over. That's so gross, but to be in memory of the unbelievable things I have done, surely need to take pictures before throw in that. The pictures were taken through the webcam of my NB. Therefore, take a while to adjust the position before taken.

Haha, just crazy! :p

July 12, 2006

Taiwanese Pitcher in Yankees - Chien-Ming Wang

Want to introduce one player to my foreign friends, which is Chien-Ming Wang.

It's his 2nd year in MLB. He is doing pretty good so far. He is one of the 5 regular starters of Yankees and has won the 9th wins of the season. The reason I watch MLB is to know how he is doing in the game. Wish he can be better and stay in the MLB for years as the proud of Taiwan.

Last, also hope the other Taiwanese baseball players in US can finally achieve their dreams to play in the MLB, and most important, don't get hurt.

Let's go Taiwan!


The picture is taken by Ray Stubblebine/Reuters.

What I Learn about Soccer

A summary of what I learn about soccer:

As a goalkeeper,

As a defender,

As a midfielder,

As a forward,


Those are the concepts that I can remember at this moment. Would edit it directly, if I recall some more things in the future. Thanks for the teaching of the coach 黃國安教練. Really learn a lot from him. Feel guilty that don't practice hard enough.

The Date of Leaving School- 6/28/2006

6/28/2006 is the date that I finish the process of leaving school.

One day before going to the NCF premeeting; therefore, no time to write it down till now.

The reason that I was so hurried to get the diploma is to get into the military asap.
If I can't get the diploma on that day, it may take me longer to get into the military.

3 more days to know whether I would go into the military on 7/26.

Let's wait and See!


軟腳古、軟腳古、軟腳古 你卡股剛舞價軟Q

應該只有Michael Jordan可以跟我批敵。

haha, 剛才再搞笑,這次來真的,(踢,滑倒)

Those are the words that I was planning to say in the acting of siumulation introduction. It's the first time to act in front so many people. Besides, don't have much time to prepare what I should say and what I should do. So quite nervous. However, it's good to come up something before the last minute. Moreover, it's funny that we use the part of imitating 吳英明老師 and Carla would also do together. That's populous during NCF time among MC. But guess most delegates don't know what's going on and what's funny of it. Anyway, as long as we have fun.

Last, it seems pretty good for the result, even though not much preparation. It is one little special memory in my AIESEC career.

The picture was taken when we were trying to come up with our words. When I first saw this picture, I had no idea where it was taken and why I did this pose in front of Carla. Through the help of other pictures, I finally realized what's all about. By the way, during the whole process, Carla seemed the same and you didn't feel any difference of her. Guess that's so called the Master of Acting! I would end this article here. Stop talking more meaningless things. XD

July 09, 2006


When I just got into university, the city buses and the bike were my main transportation. It took me one hour to school, but I still enjoyed it. It's fun to take bus, because you can go ahead relax or watching people around you. Therefore, I took bus to school for the first semester, and never late for class. I believe this is one of the most amazing things that I have done in the university life.

However, I stoped taking bus, because in AIESEC, lots of chances that you had to go home late, or you would miss many activities, and couldn't hang out with the LC members. Then I suddenly go to get the license and start to take scooter, which was not in the plan of my university life. After that, I start to stay at school late, and many times stay at LC office by myself to do AIESEC stuff till the building was close. But I really enjoy that kind of life.

Whenever the elections were coming, need to spend 1~2 weeks to work out the manifesto. Do the best to write down the vision of the organization for next year. During the process, so many things need to be considered, X number, current reality, and so on. No matter how well-prepared you were, the subcommittee would always point out the parts that you don't think clear enough. It's not an easy process, but you would know this organization after this.

At the end of the term, there is a thing called "Transition", where the current team would speak to the elect team. Whenever watching the current in the transition, I felt touched by how much they contribute to the organization to drive it forward. We may only see the glory, but don't see the pressures they take and how hard they try till this moment. It's pretty normal you see the current crying while talking about what he or she has gone through this year. Now I can understand that feelings and the reasons. Even it's not an easy path, I believe I would make the same choice, if I could choose again.

I spend most of my time in AIESEC for 4 years. I leran many things, though I lose something as well. I know some young leaders. I make good friends. I can put the ideas into action. I can do some crazy things, which may never do in other places. I can go to many places for meetings. I know how to introduce Taiwan to the foreigners. I feel like being with the teammates and don't want to leave AIESEC.

However, the show must go on. All I can do now is to pass my knowledge and experience to the new generation. I just wish they can learn something from this organization, just like what I have learned. Nothing much. What would AIESEC be like years later? Not sure, but should be closer to the vision - "Peace and Fullfillment of Humankind's Potential."

3 Women in My AIESEC Life

There are 3 women who played different roles and influenced me in different perspectives.

1. greensheep(0102 LCP)
She was my LCP in the first year. I really liked the atmosphere under her lead, because the whole LC was so united and fun, even though we were not the biggest. However, we did our best and also actively shared with the others. In wNCF of YZLC, we created roll call and practiced dances together. Also, we won pretty many awards that time, especially in human resources.

For me, I really wish I could be like her in the way of leading and doing things. Tough and focused in doing things. Funny and enjoying in the party time. I have lots to learn.

2. Angela (0203 LCP)
She has a different leadership style from the greeship's. She really cares about the people and always takes them in the first place. She did her best to make the LC like home. Therefore, that many people stay one more year is because of her. However, I am not sure it's good or bad. I always think about the work at first. Spend most of time working, instead of having fun and actively giving my love to others. That is one pretty big conflict between our thoughts. We didn't argue for that, but I suppose we both should be aware and do things with our own beliefs.

Till now, though hard to say right or wrong, I also start to learn how to show my love to the teammmatesthe and the people close to me.

3. Ivy (0203 VPICX)
She is my VP, but I guess she may have a hard time with me, because I always directly spoke up my opinions as if she knew nothing. Of course I didn't notice that at once, until some time later. We didn't talk much that time. Guess it's because I was used to keeping from others.

However, I can understand some more what she might feel in my VP term. It is really hard to put together a team and move forward. It is the 2nd time that I almost cry in AIESEC career when I talk about my VP term in the transition. Anyway, it's just not that easy. I would always remember this experience and take it with me.

Really thank them for a great memory that they bring to me. They also stand for the process of my changes. It's the best way I can show you how I am changing.

June 21, 2006

Karoke After Graduation Ceremony

First time go to karoke with classmates and even have some chances to sing.
Can't sing well, though I already try! XD Anyway, the most important is that I have a good time.

I need to have more practices by the next time going to karoke. Maybe I should try Taiwanese songs or "Don't Let Me Get Me" by Pink.
Let's wait and see.

Finally Write My Blog Again

Don't write over here for a pretty long time, because don't feel like writing after my longest post. However, I have some new thoughts in mind to share since May. It is the first time ever that I join class activities so long and frequently. Spoke out the top three girls in the class that I want to date with. Get to know the classmates much better and want to catch up with them as much as I can in the last two months. Look forward to every chances to meet everyone. And much more than the above.

I spend pretty little time with them because always put AIESEC and the study at first, in addition to other personal excuses. Still, thank to you or I wouldn't have such a wonderful university life. I would treasure all the memory and expect for the future gathering. I believe you would all do great. I would work hard as well.

Lastly, goodbye my classmates. I would see you again, though I don't know when.(copy from the song "Goodbye Jimmy Goodbye)

See ya and take care.

June 20, 2006

More Than One Year!!!

It's more than one year till today that I call my host family once again.
By the time I called, I felt pretty nervous, though I already called back a few times.
This time I was calling through skypeout. It is pretty clear and I am satisfied with that.

Lots of things to catch up between us. My sis, Stella, graduates last December and work in Phoenix.
My bro, Jerimmy, graduate from colleage and get married with one kid.
Little sister, Marrisa, is 11 grade. The first time gets to talk to her on phone, but really can't tell her voices.
Feel different from the way she talk in my memory and sound pretty like Ely for me.
Little brother, Ely, was riding bike somewhere at night. Wish he would get home safe.
My mom is working in Pinetop. The rest of the family are doing great. Good to hear that.

That was 4 years ago that I came back from United States. Know pretty many friends and people in the reservation.
Right now only stay in touch with only two of them. Wish they are also doing great.

Not sure when I would go back to visit them. Anyway, I would do the best to make enough money and find some time to achieve this dream asap.
Lastly, wish them for the best and I really love them.